Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We were married on the 28th of July 2007, we thank God, He put us together for life, God is good and amazing, His plan for us is the best !!

"... man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,..."


M. said...

Hello my friend!

That is Miandra, guess you remember who I am!! Haingo (my sister) told me that you ve just married!! I was so surprised and happy as well for you. It has been a long time!! Now I still live in Paris but If god's will, my plan is to move to USA next year for a Job.

Bon je poursuis en français, ce sera plus simple. en faite ca fait bien lontemps, je ne suis plus combien d'année, presque 10 ans que l'on s'est perdu de vue! vive Internet!!
En tout cas encore mes felicitations pour ton recent mariage, que Dieu benisse ton foyer.

Zao leisy narylanto avelako ny mailako dia si tu peux m'ecrire, envoye moi un mail, je pense qu'on a des choses à se raconter.



M. said...

Mon email c'est raharison22@hotmail.com