Saturday, October 14, 2006

YWAM Montana - USA, School of Worship 2006

Water tower YWAM Montana

Manahoana! Greetings from Montana! I have now been in Montana, USA for just over a month and have been adjusting to the weather, culture and new place God has brought me. It almost doesn't seem real that I am here because I have been waiting so long to see this dream realized, since even before my DTS I have prayed and asked God to enable me to be apart of this program, and I am now here, amen!
It was quite an adventure just to get here, traveling by five planes through several countries, but througth the confusion and chaos God was so evidently with me and I felt God telling me to enjoy the ride. I praise him for providing in every way. At first my finances were a concern but God soon became bigger than the amount of money I needed.
America is quite different from Madagascar, but God really prepared me ahead of time to easily adjust to the differences, as I was able to spend some time in England prior to my arrival to the USA. Culture shock was very minumal. However I do really miss the sun, it gets cold here!
So far in the school we have studied the heart of the School of Worship, Songwritting, Identity of a worshiper and the history of worship. All of them have taught me many new and encouraging things, the songwritting week has been a highlight so far. It equiped me with a lot of new tools and ideas. The teaching on identity was also very impacting as I began to really understand the grace of God at a greater level.
We had a chance to visit a national park here where there are glaciers, they were so majestic and covered in snow! I truely enjoy my classmates and the diversity represented in our school. There are many unique gifts and callings. I have been impressed by the talent of many of the people in my school at such young ages with much passion and vision for God.
I hope you all are well, I miss my friendships very much with all of you. I will continue to update more of what I am learning and experiencing as time goes on!

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