Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Outreach in New Orleans, January 2007

We arrived the 22nd of January.
The Salvation Army is receiving us, giving us accommodation and food, we are working with a branch called Katrina Aid today. We had orientation for a couple of days and we were told that we are representing the Salvation Army doing interviews to the people who lost their houses. Some contractors got loans from the Salvation Army and we are checking if the house have been rebuilt as they should be. On Saturday we worked with a branch of the Red Cross, and we did interviews with people living in trailers provided by FEMA which is a federal Agency. People who lost their house live temporarily in those trailers waiting for housing assistance and our job is asking the a bunch of questions in a form asking them for "needs assessments", what do they need and where are they now, it was pouring raining all the afternoon, we were soaked wet but it was fun visiting those people and asking them questions, some of the questions were tough to ask but that's the job. This week we did some paper works and computer works at the office of the Salvation Army. Today it was a great time because we went down town and did a survey to the homeless people. They get food assistance in a place called "Ozanam inn". It was one of those unforgettable experience. For me it was not easy but I tried, and could manage because the accent here is different than what I am used to and also those homeless people had hard times which makes them a little difficult to talk to. We had forms and we asked them about how long they have been on the street, what are their needs and lots of questions. It was really sad to know that one of the guys was coming to help out during Katrina and he lost everything and he became one of the homeless people.
Life is sad sometimes and it is obvious that you can lose everything in just one day, it is because of God's grace that I am who I am today, same for everyone of us.
We are just starting to work but lots is yet to come.
We pray for this city and for the homeless people as we are here, we believe that God is working and our presence here will make a difference.
I will keep sending news as time goes on.

Be blessed.

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