Sunday, February 25, 2007

Outreach SOW 2006, in St-Croix Virgin Island,

We landed at the airport of the Virgin Island, on Wednesday February 21, my first impression is I feel home and I just love the weather, I am like somewhere on the coast of Madagascar. This island is beautiful, they have nice beaches like ours back home :) . We are working with the Ywam base in St-Croix, Mark and Viola are the leaders of the base, nice and wonderful people. We did a tour on Thursday, and we were spoiled because we did snorkeling and swimming the first time we went out. It was great, beach is my favorite place on earth ! The second day we went to a Lutheran center that take care of disabled persons, we painted all day, it was fun too, with the hot weather, we swet a lot, but I loved it, I was looking forward to this weather after a long winter in Montana.
Today we did cleaning on the base in the morning and then in the afternoon we went out for and walking in a place called Christiansted, then went swimming to a little tiny island just close by, the Protestant K. I did lots of nice pictures, I love taking pictures. I am glad that it's hot here, I ate rice yesterday, that was great. This outreach is wonderful, we work but also it's a nice place to be to relax. God is good.

YWAM Base St-Croix US Virgin Isand, very nice place, big & expensive property, they have a swimming pool, basket-ball&socer field, I love my pictures,

Beautiful Ywam base, it's like somewhere on the coast of Madagascar,

Historic place, 300 years, sugar plantation, smokestuck, sugar mill,...

Protestant K, a little tiny island, you can swim to go there from the other side of St-Croix, or you pay $3 and take a ferry, nice place to have fun

St-Croix is a gorgeous island, God is talented,

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Vita ny Outreach taty Nouvelle Orleans, deraina ny Andrimanitra,


Isaorana Andrimanitra fa vita soa aman-tsara ny asa taty.
Salama tsara daholo izahay ary nandeha tsara daholo sady nahafinaritra.

Betsaka ny zavatra nitranga taty nandritra ny iray volana, teo ny asa izay ataonay miaraka @ Salvation Army , mamangy tokan-trano ary miresaka @ fianakaviana mijery ny fandrosoan'ny asa fanarenana ny tranon'izy ireo. Nisy entrepreneurs maromaro nomen'ny Salvation Army vola hanamboarana ny tranon'ny fianakaviana sasany, ka ny anjaranay dia mijery raha mandeha ny asa sady nampiasaina ny vola. Fa ao anatin'izany dia miresaka ny fiainany ny olona nadritra ny fandalovan'i Katrina taty ary betsaka ny mitomany sy mbola maratra vokatr'izany. Mampahery ny olona izahay sady mivavaka ho azy ireo ary mamporisika azy ireo mba hanantona an'Andrimanitra.

Io no tena asa nataonay taty fa nisy fotoana koa izahay niara-niasa t@ Croix Rouge sy ny Habitat pour l'Humanite, nanampy azy ireo t@ asany. Satria mantsy ny asa aty Nouvelle Orleans dia mifantoka @ fanompoana, nianatra izany izahay tany Montana ka mampiatra izany ankehitriny.

Nisy ny mampalahelo hafa dia ny fandalovan'ny "tornado" teto herinandro lasa izay ka nisy ramatoa lehibe iray maty ary maro ny trano rava vokatr'io rivo-mahery io, ary ny tena mampalahelo aza dia trano vao narenina ka vita tanteraka tao aorianan'ny Katrina, kanjo rava fanindroany. Betsaka ny trano rava.
Nisy nahafaly dia ny saison Mardi Gras, carnaval malaza be aty mandritra ny 2 herinandro na mihoatra, ka androny no fety be farany, Talata Matavy.

Hanainga ho any St-Croix izahay rahampitso maraina,

Tsara ny Tompo,
Lehibe ny Tompo,

God's child.

The outreach in New Orleans is done, Praise God !!!


We have been in New Orleans for a month now.
Lots of things happened and we have been blessed while staying and working here.
God is working in this city, despite everything, sad stories, and lots of things going on against the will of God.

Our work was focused on home visit. The Salvation Army gave money to some contractors TO rebuilt some houses that got accepted for a grant.
Basically, we go and visit families in their homes to check if the work is done, if the money is really used to rebuilt the houses.
Some of us arrange the appointment with those families by phoning them and stay in the office every day. Some of us go on the field, and talk to those families, and I was part of the goers.
I loved it and enjoyed it, as people need comfort and encouragement.

We can't imagine how was the effect of the hurricane Katrina and Rita over here because it happens rarely. Many quarters and houses have been flooded up to the roof and even immersed completely. Lots of people died, more than a thousand, and those who were alive don't have anything left because in one day, everything was lost. I have seen some houses like nearly up-side down because the effect of the water when it withdrew.
We don't have a clue about how dangerous it was.

When we finish interviewing them about the house, we talk about the loss and their life during the hurricane, then we encourage them and pray for them. The prayer time was very intense most of the time and exciting. We met many people who just cried the whole time we talk to them. After we pray for them they continue to tell about everything again and it's just blowing your mind. It's great.

Another story, one week ago there was few tornadoes somewhere a little far from us. It killed on elder woman again and the many houses that had just being rebuilt were blown away again, really sad, we feel sad for those people, prayed for them.

We had other opportunities to serve also, like the Red Cross and the Habitat for Humanity, but mainly we worked for the Salvation Army.

This outreach was great, God is showing me that this city needs Him, this city need to come back to God, this city needs missionaries and Christians to tell them about Jesus, this city need Malagasy missionaries, as we are working on sending missionaries back home.

We are leaving to St-Croix, the US Virgin Island tomorrow.

God is good,
God is great,

Child of God.

Wonderful people, Majors in The Salvation Army, who received us, took care of us, treated us during our stay in Nolans

My friends from India, Robin and Asem, we are in front of the recovery center in New Orleans, we had lots of fun together, they are leaving.

In the hall of the Center of hope, the Salvation Army building, where we stayed.

Home visit time, a couple we visited, myself and Kelly one of my classmates, April took the picture for us

Some of the families we visited during the home visit in New Orleans